Advanced software, advanced techniques for simple life

We harness the latest technologies and tools to
make your business shine as a star!

I am very excited to be a seo company and I am very happy with our products that we offer to people, such as Massposting and other services, I really like our results and I am happy to see that my brainchild gives people what they want and expect.

Max Kushnirenko

Company SEO

About PorkTech Solution

At PorkTech Solution we believe in systematic approach for any project be it complex or simple. We are a small group with set of various skill set varies from

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Cutting edge technologies

Take an advantage of cutting-edge modern solutions to maximize your return on investment

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Impeccable solutions

A unique solution to modern problems using modern tools and creative solutions

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Tailer Mode Development

Scalable and dynamic systems with ever-changing trends to meet your dynamic business needs

What we do and propose

Bulk Posting


In 2023, this social network has gained significant traction in the United States, witnessing a surge with 21.3 million downloads. Many users are turning to Telegram not just for messaging but also for job searches and service discoveries. Its simplicity, coupled with a secure environment, has made it a go-to platform for a growing number of Americans exploring employment opportunities and various services.


Widely remains consistently popular across all states, maintaining high usage rates. The platform serves as a go-to social network for people of diverse backgrounds. Notably, a large number of users turn to Facebook not just for staying connected but also for practical purposes, such as job hunting and service exploration. Its widespread adoption as a tool for both personal and professional endeavors highlights Facebook's enduring relevance in connecting people and facilitating various aspects of daily life.


This social network has a long and great reputation as a website where people can find answers to their everyday problems. The number of users steadily increases every year. That's why many businesses have decided to join Reddit for either lead generation or recruiting purposes.

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Sources and purpose

Our tool is designed to streamline B2B sales by tapping into diverse online sources such as Telegram supergroups and Facebook groups. It autonomously parses and detects posts containing valuable contact data and business information. By leveraging these platforms, the tool ensures a comprehensive reach, extracting vital details that lay the foundation for effective sales outreach.

Outcomes and Enhancements

The primary outcomes of our tool revolve around enhanced analytics and lead generation. Through its automated processes, it not only compiles extensive data about businesses but also provides valuable insights through analytics. This results in a more informed sales strategy and improved representation for sales teams. The tool empowers businesses with the ability to convert data into actionable leads, ultimately contributing to a more efficient and targeted sales approach.

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How it works

The inner workings of our tool are centered around a sophisticated parsing and detection mechanism. We utilize C# to analyze the message for the presence of required keywords or the absence of excluded words. If the message is deemed valid, it is then added to the collection along with all relevant data, including lead state, location, source, post date, post URL, and a link to the posting profile. After a 60-second interval, this information is submitted to the updatable lead database, for which a view has already been created

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Private Software

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Web Applications/Microservices

We are PorkTech Solution, we specialize in crafting dynamic web applications and microservices using ASP.NET. Our expertise lies in harnessing the robust capabilities of ASP.NET to create scalable and efficient solutions tailored to elevate your online presence. Whether it's building responsive web interfaces or developing agile microservices for seamless integration, our team ensures cutting-edge technology aligns with your business goals, fostering a digital landscape that propels your marketing efforts forward

CLI Applications/Tools

At our company, we excel in developing C# console applications to elevate your marketing strategies. Our applications are precision-engineered to automate processes, streamline communication, and enhance data analytics, providing a powerful edge to business

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Design-Perfomance Combined Orientation

Our tools and applications are meticulously crafted to deliver an optimal user experience, prioritizing both efficiency and speed. This commitment drives us to rapidly develop result-oriented programs using various high-performance web frameworks. In particular, our proficiency extends to leveraging the power of C# to build robust and scalable solutions.

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